How to Control Your Blood Sugar for Better Heart Health

Did you know that your blood sugar levels can affect your heart health? You can have high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), or blood sugar that swings dramatically between high and low. This is not good for your heart to go through, and your doctor may look at referring you to a cardiologist (take a look at for more details), to see if it has affected your heart and if there is anything that can be done.

High blood sugar is detrimental to multiple health aspects. It increases the risk of heart disease, infections, and complications during surgery. Additionally it could also result in oral issues and increase the risk of gum infections. Cavities and tooth loss may also occur as a result, and you may need to get an appropriate solution from a Red Deer denture clinic (if that’s where you live). Getting your blood sugar under control is essential to preventing these health complications.

High blood sugar is also a major risk factor for heart disease, making controlling blood sugar an important part of the heart disease prevention plan. Heart disease, also called cardiovascular disease, includes conditions related to narrowed and blocked blood vessels. In turn, these can lead to heart attacks, chest pain, and maybe even a stroke. High blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and triglyceride levels also increase the risk of developing heart disease.

Physical Activities

It’s well-known that maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best ways to lower high blood pressure, reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, and lower the risk of heart disease. The connection between diabetes and heart disease is so strong that some researchers refer to diabetes as “the silent killer” because most people with diabetes have no idea that they have it.

Do you know what keeps your blood flowing, your body in motion, your muscles working, and your heart healthy? Physical Activities. It is a well-known fact that people who do exercise have much better health than those who don’t. If your blood sugar levels are already high, doing physical activity is a great way to bring them down.

Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health, and that includes controlling your blood sugar levels. Keeping blood sugar stable is essential for people with diabetes, and exercising is the best way to combat rising blood sugar. Since exercise affects everyone differently, it’s important to start slowly and build up slowly too. But you must remember that consistency is important.

Heart-Healthy Diet

Eating a heart-healthy diet is one of the most important things you can do to improve your health. Heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes are all risk factors for heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States.

While genetic factors play a role in the development of heart disease, that factor does not wholly determine your risk. A lot of heart disease risk is influenced by the foods you eat, the exercise you get, and other factors, like stress and sleep habits.

You can lower your risk of developing heart disease by eating a healthy diet, being physically active, managing stress, and staying at a healthy weight. In case you follow all of these, but are struggling to find a natural stress reliever, then learning about marijuana and CBD could be in your best interest. Additionally, if you are based somewhere in California, then you can also get direct Weed delivery in CA home.

Needless to say, a heart-healthy diet can go a long way toward controlling high blood sugar and keeping it under control. That’s because many of the foods included in a diabetic diet also help optimize heart health.

Here are some heart-healthy foods:

  • Whole grain bread and pasta
  • Brown rice
  • Fresh fruit
  • Non-starchy vegetables
  • Skinless chicken
  • Fish
  • Lean red meat
  • Low-fat dairy
  • Nuts provide fiber, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are good for diabetes care

Stay Hydrated by Drinking Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water is important for everyone, but it is especially important for those with diabetes. Dehydration can zap your energy, dehydrate your tissues, and can even trigger a blood sugar emergency. By learning everything you need to know about hydration, you can keep your diabetes under control as well as feel your best at all times.

Manage Your Stress Levels

Stress is an extremely powerful influence that can affect your health and well-being. Mood swings, lack of sleep, headaches, muscle tension, and high blood pressure are all connected to how your body responds to stress. You may be aware of these responses, but did you know that stress can also affect your blood sugar levels?

Well, the connection between heart health and stress levels is clear. Excess stress can trigger high blood pressure and cause arteries to clamp down, restricting blood flow to coronary arteries. At the same time, the autonomic nervous system can act up, sending your heart into overdrive and causing it to beat faster. High circulating stress hormones also constrict your blood vessels, further inhibiting blood flow to your heart.

When a single element is responsible for so many problems, it becomes highly important to control it. People should take every possible measure within their reach to tackle their stress, so that it doesn’t give rise to other problems. If needed, they should also consider enlisting the help of a medical professional. Depending on the intensity of their problem, a doctor may suggest medication, supplements, or even cannabis (looking into 420 Now Weed Delivery could be of help in this regard). Besides, those affected should also work towards improving their diet and mobility.

Monitor Your Blood Sugar Levels

If you want to keep track of your blood sugar levels, it is in your best interest to use a blood sugar chart, as this can help you to follow your diabetes treatment and stay in your target range. Furthermore, this will benefit your health going forward.

It is very important that you know how to control your blood sugar, as if you don’t, it could have a significant impact on your health.

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